Protecting Digital Identities – Exploring the World of AI-Powered Threats on TOR Network

The TOR network has long been a tool for individuals seeking to protect their digital identities and preserve online privacy. However, as technology evolves, so do the threats faced by TOR users. There exist sophisticated attacks against the digital identity of the users that are powered by the artificial intelligence. Understanding these AI-powered threats and implementing effective countermeasures is crucial for safeguarding privacy and maintaining anonymity.

This talk aims to explore the world of AI-powered threats on the TOR network, specifically focusing on protecting digital identities. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of how AI is leveraged to
compromise the privacy of users is very important. By exploring the world of AI and implementing appropriate protective measures, individuals can protect their privacy and safeguard their digital



Somaye Hoseinpur
Somaye Hoseinpur is a final year graduate student in the Cyber Security program at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany. She studied Software Technology Engineering for her bachelor's back in Iran. She has up to five years of professional experience as an IT expert in the telecommunication field and worked as a research assistant at the University of Kaiserslautern on different projects mostly about security integration. As a programmer and machine learning enthusiast, Somaye also gathered experience with independent research on traffic analysis in the Tor network, and attack analysis in Federated Learning. 

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